Present simple and present continuous:
Questions tags
We use tags in spoken English but not in formal written English.
They are not really questions but are a way of asking the other person to make a comment and so keep the conversation open.
Making a tag is very mechanical. To make a tag, use the first auxiliary. If there is no auxiliary, use do, does or did. With a positive sentence, make a negative tag and with a negative sentence, make a positive tag.
It's beautiful, isn't it?
He has been, hasn't he?
You can, can't you?
It must be, mustn't it?
You know him, don’t you?
He finished it, didn't he?
He will come, won't he?
It isn't very good, is it?
It hasn't rained, has it?
It can't be, can it?
Jenny doesn't know James, does she?
They didn't leave, did they?
He won’t do it, will he?
eg: She came, didn't she? OR She did come, didn't she?
They are happy to be here, aren't they?
eg: She doesn't like chores, does she?
They haven't been informed, have they?
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